Can you use an electric smoker in rain?

Can you use an electric smoker in rain?

Electric smokers are the most convenient smokers for smoking food without much effort . They run on electricity but also use wood chips to produce smoke to impart flavor. They work on a “set it and forget it” methodology. But there is no black and white answer to whether we can use electric smokers in … Read more

Why does smoked meat upset my stomach

man with upset stomach

Smoking is a low and slow process that can take hours or even days to complete. It requires the pitmasters to be careful throughout the process to prevent it from contamination. Your stomach can get upset by consuming smoked meat for several reasons. The most common of them are discussed below. First of all, smoking … Read more

where to place water pan in offset smoker

place water pan in offset smoker

Smoking meat is one of the easiest ways to enjoy delicious, flavorful dishes. With so many types of smokers on the market today, it can be difficult to know which smoker will better suit your needs. However, there are a few things that every smoker has in common; they all need fuel and they all … Read more

How to clean electric smoker with mold

How to clean electric smoker with mold

Smoking is a passion for many pitmasters , so it can be heartbreaking to discover that mold has developed on your smoker . To help you with that, we have put together a complete guide on how to clean electric smokers with mold. Let’s get started. Why does mold develop in an electric smoker? Mold … Read more

How to fix pit boss err code? The definitive guide

How to fix pit boss err code? The definitive guide

Pit Boss is one of the leading brands in the bbq industry. Their products are usually designed to be user-friendly and budget-friendly at the same time. Pit boss smokers can smoke as well as the charcoal smokers, which is why they are loved by the old school pitmasters. Despite being user-friendly, you can face some … Read more

How Much Charcoal to use for an Offset Smoker

Charcoal to use for an Offset Smoker

charcoal is the main heat source when it comes to smoking in an offset smoker. But while using offset smoker for first time you may get confused on how much charcoal to use in an offset smoker. In this article we are going to clear all of your confusions about using charcoal in an offset … Read more

How long to let the chicken rest after smoking?

How long to let the chicken rest after smoking?

One of the most crucial elements that might change the texture of the smoked chicken is resting. But because there isn’t much information on the internet on this subject, there is a lot of uncertainty. How long the chicken should rest after smoking is one of them. As a general rule, you should let your … Read more

how to clean offset smoker

cleaning offset smoker

Offset smokers are the best equipment for taking smoking to beyond limits and experiencing traditional smoking flavor. but they come with some complexities ,one of those is their cleaning. To solve this for one and forever for our audience , i researched on how to clean an offset smoker for a whole day and came … Read more